Nicht-Wissen oder Unsicherheit ist etwas, mit dem ich mich in vielen bisherigen Rollen im Leben auseinandersetzen musste. Daher hat mich der Aufruf von Bloggerin Susanne Wagner sofort angesprochen, meinen persönlichen Senf dazuzugeben zum Thema Nicht-Wissen. Was dabei herausgekommen ist, ist ...

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Writing about the subject of mysticism is not easy for me, although the idea to at least give it a try has been floating around in my head for some time now. However, I almost feel like an imposter, wanting to write about something that my limited mind knows it hasn't grasped... ...

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The ancient Greeks spoke of it, in mystery schools it is the first decree of any serious spiritual path, numerous authors have taken it up and today the coaches, counselors or self-help gurus whistle it from the rooftops: Know thyself! ...

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