April 28

37 Fun Facts about me


37 Fun Facts about me

Personal | April, 28th, 2024

Usually, my blog is about lived spirituality and mysticism, personal growth and psychology - the big subjects of life in my opinion. But as this can become really abstract, I liked the idea of telling you more about myself this time - with 37 fun facts about me! Personally, I also think it is a great opportunity to discover unexpected similarities - so if you like, please feel free to share a fun fact about yourself in the comments section below!

  1. I own a stack of books which I have never read - that's why I now hesitate to buy any more even if they interest me, so that they don't stare at me reproachfully from the book shelf.
  2. I spent part of my childhood in Asia - especially in Japan - and we travelled around a lot at the time. Today, I absolutely love airports, and all locations for that matter, which bring together people from different countries.
  3. I love trying out new things, but I give up about 90% of them. For example, I once bought tap shoes to learn tap-dancing, took Arabic lessons (my favorite word is hilal (crescent moon)), and I once took part in a rugby training (yes, we practiced tackling and yes, it's as fun as it looks!).
  4. I once did an exchange term in Canada and took part in a "Bear Awareness Seminar" in which we were taught the correct way to deal with bear encounters - including fighting techniques for the worst-case scenario!
  5. I constantly use Anglicisms or English words for which I can't think of a nice German equivalent and I try to not always apologize for it. Especially when it comes to spiritual concepts, I often find the German words terrible.
  6. A few years ago, I read about so-called "multi-passionate women" (women who have many different passions, interests etc. and don't want to commit to just one) for the first time and immediately recognized myself. It definitely has its disadvantages 😉
  7. I used to play theater, preferably the nasty (=often more interesting, more complex) roles. But why do female roles in plays always have to wear those killer 10 cm heels?
  8. I hate climbing gardens! Maybe it was a mistake to start with the professional rounds at a height of 10 meters - in any case, I swore to myself that I wouldn't need that anymore when I let all the 9-year-old professional kids overtake me clinging to a tree up there 😉.
  9. I must have been a choreographer in a previous life - when I hear music, I immediately feel and see dance choreographies in my body or in my mind's eye, but unfortunately I can't put them into practice - I only really started ballet as an adult. That can really drive you crazy!
  10. I used to love dancing to drum 'n' bass in clubs - great for getting rid of too much energy.
  11. When it comes to the big decisions in life, I know immediately what I want and act very intuitively and spontaneously - and have never regretted it. But ask me whether I want vanilla or chocolate right now - hardest decision ever!
  12. I haven't sat on the driver's side of a car since I took my driving test - and I don't own a car either.
  13. I'm probably the only person in Germany who does NOT watch Tatort (German crime show) on Sundays (and I make no apologies for that).
  14. When I see how someone keeps themselves small, makes themselves small or allows themselves to be kept small, I can become VERY direct. Empowerment and freedom are among my highest values. My clients appreciate that about me, but not everyone can handle it.
  15. One of my superpowers is that I can smell bullsh*** 10 miles into the wind. Exceptions prove the rule.
  16. My speaking and hypnosis voice is rather soft - that's why people often would not expect my singing voice, which can be very intense. And I like to use it in groups, for example, because it can touch people.
  17. I've had a soft spot for camels ever since I was allowed to ride one on vacation as a child and the camel put its head on my legs afterwards. That's when I fell in love.
  18. My dream is to do a trail ride through Iceland one day.
  19. I once did a nursing internship on a palliative care unit. Ever since then, I've known that something really needs to change in our healthcare system.
  20. I never liked apparatus gymnastics because I'm not fearless enough for this 😉, even though my gym teacher thought I had enough body tension. I once banged my face on the lower bar of uneven bars. Any questions?
  21. Another dream of mine is a dog sled ride with huskies (my favorite dog breed). And while I'm there, I would absolutely love to see the Northern Lights!
  22. I love the sea, always have! Unfortunately, I've been afraid of swimming too far out since I burned myself on a jellyfish as a child (and then only saw the dark depths below me, which is why the whole beach could hear my yelling).
  23. I can (almost) always remember my dreams and often dream very realistically.
  24. I cry during sad movie scenes. ALWAYS. Turn on the sad music - and I'm lost.
  25. My absolute favorite big city is London. And I know that I had at least one previous life there too.
  26. I don't have the diagnosis, but I do have an ADHD brain. Oh, a new project! Oh wait, that would be great too! Or maybe this? Or that? Wait, what was I doing here again? Never mind, now that I'm here, I could.... Oh, a butterfly!
  27. My ADHD brain is damn good at seeing big connections where others would never suspect any. That can be damn useful, but not everyone is interested in that 😉.
  28. I seem to be the personification of opposites: I love freedom, but also need structure and a sense of security; I'm a total head person with a wide-open heart, a lot of empathy and emotion; I can dig into scientific details, but also love the mysterious mysticism behind the big picture; I'm a total idealist, but can also make totally pragmatic step-by-step plans (only to overturn them again 😉).
  29. I believe that each of us has one (or more) tasks in life, a "purpose", and that we won't be happy if we don't live it. And that doesn't necessarily mean a job description.
  30. I once learned silk painting.
  31. When I was a senior at the German School Tokyo Yokohama, I looked after the younger kids on the way to school as a "bus mother". One of the kids was particularly cheeky and never wanted to fasten his seatbelt. After he threw up twice during my "shift", he was suddenly very meek and from then on was the best behaved of them all.
  32. In an Airbnb in England, I once had to call the police while a burglar was in the house and my hosts were not at home. I've never been so scared! And I'm still grateful to the fantastic psychologically trained policewoman who calmly went through my "options" with me (e.g. whether I could jump out of the window - no, it was too high 😉) until the police arrived - and the burglar was long gone.
  33. I used to really want to do "something with space". Unfortunately, the ESA (European Space Agency) only needs a psychologist once in a blue moon. Today I still get the ESA newsletter 😉
  34. My favorite actress is Rachel Weisz. Her role in "The Mummy" - legendary!
  35. I once had a "Jedi moment": after a party, I was cycling home alone at night when I was suddenly surrounded by a group of thugs. The leader unscrewed the cap from my front tire and held it triumphantly in front of my nose. I suddenly became very calm inside, held out my hand and just said: "Give it back." He gave me the cap back without a word, waved the others to the side and let me drive off.
  36. I don't believe in coincidence - everything happens for a reason! - Albeit we may not understand the reasons until years later or ever.
  37. I am a romantic at heart. Show me the star constellations and I'm lost. Sunrises and sunsets can make me cry. Or laugh - like in the picture below.

Show me a sunrise and I'm happy. Here, at the summer solstice 2022 in Glastonbury, UK.

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  1. I love the point 28. So well described. I know the same opposites.
    And No, I don't watch Tatort on TV. In fact, I saw it once and cannot sleep afterward.
    Congratulations to your 1st Blog article. Kind regards Martina

    1. Thank you, Martina, fellow non-Tatort-fan, and fellow embodiment of opposites 🙂 – love it!

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